
Privacity is a workshop aiming to design a new specific urban signage informing about the use of data by the Internet of Urban Things in the smart cities.

As our cities are becoming a hybrid space, being a digital and physical frame for a society producing and consuming data, we need to envisage new visual codes to understand how we interact with this connected environment.

Participants will be invited to reflect upon the questions of privacy and accessibility in order to design a signage highlighting how digital urban services work. They will especially try to represent sensors and algorithms activities, to raise awareness about the presence of smart pieces in the urban space. These visuals codes will be designed to help people visualize both acknowledged and unaware interactions with the networked city.

This workshop is addressed to anyone with interests in responsible innovation for smart cities, interaction design applied to urban stakes, social issues linked to digital technologies or the Internet of Things.

Bastien Kerspern

Bastien Kerspern

Bastien Kerspern is an interaction designer specialized in public innovation, co-founder of two design studios Design Friction and Casus Ludi. After being trained at IDEO, Bastien has started to collaborate with startups and public institutions, building an extensive experience in managing interactive and participatory projects, ranging from video games to civic applications.

Estelle Hary

Estelle Hary is an interaction designer specialized in information design and user experience.





Aalto University’s Arabia Campus, Hämeentie 135 C, Helsinki

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